Thursday, December 22, 2016

Website Part 2: Design Portfolio

My website took a little detour from my original sketch.  I had planned on a traditional style, but when paired with the graphic I was using it looked cheesy.  So, I changed the website design to something more sleek.

Here is my finished product:

Instead of using a small banner, I opted for a larger banner and smaller menu buttons up top.  The bottom are examples of my work.  I really designed this website with mouse-overs in mind.

I tried to make the website functional as well as stylish.  I feel like many design portfolios are so hard to navigate because the designers are trying very hard to be "artsy" and different.  I think a simple layout will allow a website user to concentrate on the subject (in this case, my art).  I am very proud of the work I have done in this class and I have learned so much. 

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